Our livestock insurance program helps rural communities reduce the financial impact of snow leopard predation by giving them access to compensation for animals lost. For the families who share the snow leopard’s habitat, the loss of even a single animal to predation can create great financial hardship. Occasionally, herders may retaliate against snow leopards to protect their animals and limit their losses.



Through our livestock insurance program, the local community manages an insurance funds specifically designated to reimburse families who lose domestic animals to snow leopard predation.

The insurance fund is supported by SLCF for the first 5 years to build a strong financial foundation. Then, participating herders contribute premiums for any animal they want to insure, helping the program to become self-sustaining over time. If a family lose livestock to snow leopards, they can submit a claim and receive reimbursement for the loss. The insurance fund as well as the reimbursement process is managed by the local community. In order to participate, each herder must sign a conservation agreement in which they pledge to protect the snow leopards and wild prey species in their area from poaching. If any community member violates this contract, they are no longer able to participate in the insurance program.


This community driven program was set up in 2009 and today it involves 55 households of 4 communities in Gurvantes Soum in Umnugovi Province.

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